AfroSkills R&I is the hub for Research and Innovation in Africa. It provides a platform for collaboration amongst major stakeholders in supporting R&I in African countries. It brings together through Joint Organisations Projects (JOP), Universities and research centres, Foundations, NGOs and other CSOs, the Private Sector and Banking and Financial Institutions. It provides a vehicle for resources’ mobilisation and cost-effective R&I, helping organisations to join resources together to carry out R&I activities, which otherwise would be cost-prohibitive and misaligned with societal needs, should they be funded by each organisation alone.
We initiate and coordinate JOP in all areas related to activities in AfroSkills Centres of Competencies and in line with African countries’ development priorities and public and private sector needs. They include Agriculture and Agroindustry, Energy and Electricity, Oil & Gas, Mining, Digital Transformation, Manufacturing, Forestry, Water Supply, and Health and Nutrition and Policies, amongst others.
Adresse : Carrefour Meec
Pays : Yaoundé Cameroun.
Tel : +49 172 953 61 79 / +237 670 103 490
Email : contact@afroskills.org
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